Case study


Indonesia Simulated Long Offsets

Our client wanted to shoot a 3D seismic study over a new area offshore Indonesia, which is a very active shipping area. This has clear safety issues when towing long streamers. However, in order to be able to image the graben structure of the area thoroughly, long offsets are required – which usually means a long streamer.

EPI Group were able to assess:

  • Long offsets were required to image graben structures effectively, but not safe in such big shipping areas to use long streamers
  • By analysis of the area, and technical knowledge of our staff, were able to suggest use of simulated long offset
  • Using multi vessels to acquire survey, instead of one large one, creating same offsets, but lower risks
  • See image below, top vessel layout = traditional acquisition, bottom vessel layout = simulated long offsets

Results for our client:

  • Reduction of hazards, downtime and HSE issues as a direct result of work program development from EPI
  • Costs reduced as a result of minimising downtime
  • Survey objectives still achieved – excellent imaging of structures

Our client was able to run their survey with the desired technological outcome, but minimising risks associated with long offset acquisition.

Single vs Dual Source Marine Seismic Acquisition

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