Case study


Sound Source Verification, Offshore waters, USA

EPI undertook a study and field verification exercise in advance of geotechnical operations being carried out on a site survey offshore. The work scope included:

  • The review of a marine environmental permits and predicted sound source model
  • Designing a scope of field work to undertake in-situ sound source verification
  • Deployment of acoustic specialists, environmental scientists and underwater sound monitoring equipment offshore at the project site
  • Undertaking in-field measurement and refinement of acoustic propagation models
  • Making recommendations for updated marine faunal mitigation measures based upon field verification reports

The overall goal was to enable the field geotechnical operation to commence immediately, and to ensure that the required environmental mitigation measured generated from predicted acoustic models were correct using direct field observations.

Benefits to the client were:

  • Expert review of permits and mitigation plans
  • Rapid deployment and efficient field operations leading to minimal field time
  • On-site sound assessment leading to immediate start of geotechnical survey
  • Ongoing visual and acoustic marine faunal monitoring during
Marine Mammal

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