It’s #TeamTuesday and we thought we’d ask William Nash our Operations Supervisor & QHSE Manager a few more questions to get to know him better. What is your role at EPI? And what...

The WFO is the world’s only organization 100% focused on promoting offshore wind energy on a global scale. WFO’s international members represent the complete offshore wind value chain including...

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have won the Palatine Outstanding Achievement Award ‘OSCAR’ (Operating Sustainably, Consciously and Responsibly), celebrating going over and beyond in our commitment to ESG...

Excellent news! We are celebrating hitting 4 million hours worked without a lost time incident. We have team members working across the world, involved in many types of survey...

We are delighted welcome Stephen Wilson to EPI Group, as our new Director of Business Development! Stephen joined the offshore wind pioneers back in 2004, working for what is now the Offshore...

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