EPI’s integrated Geoscience Division undertook a major full field re-development evaluation for an underperforming multi-TCF gas + condensate field. The objectives of this work were: to derive a new...
Outstanding Feedback for EPI’s Project Management Course
EPI offers a detailed 3-week training course in Seismic Project Management which can be tailor made to client’s specific company requirements. Feedback from the latest course, undertaken for the...
How to save money on marine survey optimisation
At EPI Group, our Technical Operations team have a strong background of not only designing technically optimal geophysical surveys, but also assuring optimal implementation. Having the right people married...
Reprocess your vintage dataset with impressive results
High-end processing you can afford In recent years, the cost of high-end data processing has fallen dramatically, with cutting edge algorithms and high end computing power now available, EPI...
EPI are now a member of AWEA
The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is the premier national trade association that represents the interests of America’s wind energy industry – the country’s fastest growing energy sector. Together,...
Biology of Marine Mammals Conference, San Fransico
EPI’s Environmental Manager, Heidi Cocca, recently attended the Society of Marine Mammalogy Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in December located in San Francisco, California. During the week-long...