EPI offers Accredited and Defensive Driver Training

Operating in countries where there is a lack of road safety standards and limited driver education can have a dramatic effect on operations. The driving instructors at EPI Ltd can provide on-site training in all environments to raise the standard to meet the requirements of OGP 292 guidelines, OSM 2. They will educate, coach and assess students on operating and driving in towns, on poor roads, tracks, desert driving or wherever your project is taking place. Driver training will improve efficiency in vehicle usage, reduce the chance of minor accidents, reduce the loss of equipment and help prevent fatalities.

Accredited and Defensive Driver Training

By providing your HGV drivers with the specific skills to operate effectively and safely enable them to act or react to any given situation thus minimizing potential incidents and keep your operations on track. The EPI Ltd course contains a good balance of in class theory and in-vehicle practice. This will ensure that your drivers understand the theory and practical aspect of driving that they will be able to put it into practice in situations and locations they encounter day to day.

Accredited and Defensive Driver Training

And of course, driving responsibly does not finish at work. Our clients can be sure that their personnel will receive high quality, effective defensive driver training. Prepare your drivers with the enhanced skills to drive smoothly and safely both at work or at home in their own vehicles as well as an increased knowledge of vehicle limitations and responsibility to other road users.

Accredited and Defensive Driver Training

Get in touch with our sales team, to see how EPI can improve the efficiency and safety of your drivers and projects, you can email us on sales@epi.co.uk or call +44 (0) 8702 406 699


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